Contact Afa Pitts, MD

Author, Investor, Founder of API, Inc.

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Afa Pitts, MD

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Author of The ABCs of House Flipping: Your A to Z Guide to Buying, Rehabbing, and Selling Houses and Founder of API, Inc., Afa Pitts’s unique story of perseverance and success couches actionable advice for achieving your dreams in powerful anecdotes that make her insights both relatable and transformative. Reach out to take control of your future today!

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Are you fulfilled in your current life?

Afa Pitts, MD

Are you fulfilled in your current life? Today, you stand at a crossroads—are you going to challenge yourself to your potential? This is your moment to see where you truly stand and what it will take to get where you want to be. Take Afa Pitts MD' assessment to determine if you are ready for a change.

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